Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Witch Doctor - David Seville

How many Chipmunk vocal effect songs can you handle in a week? At LEAST one more? But of course!

Here are the helium infused origins of Alvin and the Chipmunks- only not yet the chipmunks. Ross Bagdasarian Sr. was a singer-songwriter-producer-actor-chipmunk enthusiast (probably) who, under the name David Seville, penned a novelty number titled Witch Doctor.

The song utilized a VM tape recorder which allowed Bagdasarian to shift the recording and playback speeds to create the distinctive high pitched vocal effect we all know so well. This wasn't the first time manipulation like this had been employed, however the use of the VM allowed a new clarity of voice to come through lacking in early muddier and distorted experiments.

Despite the Chipmunk voice, Bagdasarian wouldn't invent (and thus market songs via the characters) till later that year with 'The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late).' A re-recorded version of Witch Doctor featuring all-helium-all-the-time would come later.

And now you know how Alvin, Simon and Theodore got their bit part start in the high pitched and only mildly racist (in a cuddly don't know any better sorta way) chorus of Witch Doctor.

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