Woody Phillips is the son of a wooder worker and a classically trained composer/arranger/cellist who enjoys making music on power tools. And not just sampling them. This is the real deal. If this music fell on you while in motion, it would kill you.
Here is his wonderfully manic rendition of In The Hall of the Mountain King which (according to the liner notes) features 'Hammer, wood rasp, duct tape, anvil, pneumatic nailer, hand saws, 2x4s, pipes, table saws, jointer, power drills, drill press motor, jigsaw blades (plucked).'
It's an incredible effect. The music sounds like an army of tin men running on player piano music rolls toiling in a scrap yard before exploding.
I'm sure you have more questions. Woody, I'm sure, answers all of them in his latest dissertation: 'The Contemporary Composer: 120-Grit Sandpaper and its Effects on Margarita Making in Central California at the Dawn of the Third Millennium.'
This should have been the music for Clankers Cavern in Banjo Kazooie no? D-rad!