Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Never Hit Your Grandma With A Shovel - Spike Jones

Spike Jones was an American bandleader and musician renowned for creating satirical, unusual and comedic pop songs from the 1940s through to the early 1960s. It's one of the early recordings we are looking at today, the absolute gem Never Hit Your Grandma With A Shovel.

The title is rather self explanatory as to the content of this little ditty. What's truly remarkable about the song is how well it's aged. Novelty numbers, especially older novelty numbers, are often products of their own time. Jones has managed to sidestep this problem with Grandma by playing it so completely straight.

The barbershop harmonies never wink to the listener that the song is anything less than sweet and heart felt pop. By the time the group is rolling their R's recommending a rock instead of a shovel you will be laughing, enraptured and thinking unwholesome thoughts about your Grandma. Really, what more can you ask of a pop song than that?

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